What's New in the SWC
Frequent Flyers
Student writers who earn five hole-punches on a Frequent Flyer pass earn a king size candy bar!!
Contest Winners
Winners of SWC creative writing contests receive gift cards to various local treasures including Swensons, Mitchells, Rising Star, and more!!
Most Recent Contest:
Winter Haiku Contest!
Drop by the Writing Center (Room 228) by Dec.20 to receive a contest form and get candy for entering and a chance to win a gift card!
Most Recent Contest:
Winter Haiku Contest!
Drop by the Writing Center (Room 228) by Dec.20 to receive a contest form and get candy for entering and a chance to win a gift card!
Special Guests
Our Mission Statement
The Shaker Writing Center is an enrichment junior and senior English course. Students taking this course are strong writers and communicators who have a passion for helping their peers become better writers. They are trained in effective tutoring methods before assisting other students in one-on-one and small group conferences.
Our goal is to provide a more individualized, student-centered approach to writing instruction for all students in all classes for all types of writing including the IB Personal Project, college essays, resumes, SAT essays, science lab reports, research papers, and any other writing one may want help with.
We believe that writing is central to all disciplines and subject areas, that writing should be seen as a process, that everyone can improve as a writer, and that writing is not, nor should it be, a solitary endeavor.
We also believe that the SWC is valuable not only as a tool to create better writers, but that it has the potential to foster a sense of community at Shaker Heights High School.
Monday - Friday
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Our Email: [email protected]
2° , 5° , 6°, 7°
Conferences: 3:15-4:00 |
Shaker Writing Center
Snow days provide a temporary break from the school building. Everyone needs that. The sheer joy of waking up to a snow day and not having to truck all the way to the school building in the early hours of the morning.